Mon-Fri: 8:30 – 4:30


One Municipal Drive
Flemington, NJ 08822

Leaf Collection

Leaf Collection in the Township will consist of 2 rounds of curbside pickup. The first round will begin on October 30, 2023. The second and final round will begin on December 4, 2023 and continue until every Township road has been collected. Please help assist the Township in its effort to render the best service possible.

Please have all leaves at the edge of your property by October 30th, 2023 for the 1st round and December 4th ,2023 for the final collection.

  1. No leaves shall be placed closer than 10 feet from any storm sewer inlet.
  2. Place your leaves in windrow fashion along the edge of your property. DO NOT PLACE YOUR LEAVES IN THE ROADWAY. Any leaves plowed off the roadway during a snow event will not be the responsibility of the DPW to clean up. The homeowner is responsible to re-rake the leaves to the proper location for leaf collection.
  3. DPW crews will make two (2) rounds to collect leaves. They will make every effort to clean up all the leaves you put out on the first round. If they cannot, please rake the remaining leaves to the edge of your property so they can be collected on the final round.
  4. DO NOT place your leaves in bags
  5. Avoid the placing of branches, rocks, debris, and other foreign materials in the leaf piles since this can result in injury to the Township personnel and damage equipment.
  6. Leaves can be brought to the Recycling Facility with stickers throughout the year.