Mon-Fri: 8:30 – 4:30


One Municipal Drive
Flemington, NJ 08822

RTMUA Commissioners

RTMUA Commissioners Information

RTMUA Mission Statement:

The mission of the Raritan Township Municipal Utilities Authority is to cost effectively operate and maintain a wastewater collection and treatment system for the protection of the environment and for the benefit of our customers and the public while being in compliance with all regulatory requirements.

What is RTMUA?

The Raritan Township Municipal Utilities Authority (RTMUA) is a 3.8 mgd conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant (sewer plant) which includes 11 pump stations, a 61 mile collection system, and a septage and greywater receiving facility. Three belt filter presses dewater sludge for off site incineration. RTMUA also operates and maintains a wet weather facility, one of the very few licensed in the State of New Jersey. The operating crew consists of approximately 17 employees and is unionized. The Board of Commissioners consists of five members, each of whom is appointed by the Raritan Township Committee for a five-year term.

Authority Members

John Tully

Jason Sena

Scott Sipos 
Vice Chairman

Jeff Anclien 

Frank Scipione

Daniel Murray
Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer

RTMUA Commissioners Meeting Schedule

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